The dutchies do indeed enjoy a beer or four !
Or 10. Or 15. I have no idea how my bladder did that, back in the days.
And talking about the Brits, most are not here on holidays
but they are retired drunks. Not necessarily worse than the holidaying ones but kind of sad, nevertheless.
Crikey, yeah, I forgot about those types. Portugal is quite popular for retiring to. I wonder if brexit has made it easier or harder for them? I can imagine them getting legless with sad monotony!
I have no idea how my bladder coped back in the day either. All that liquid!
We must have had bigger bladders, back then ;<)
That is most definitely what it must have been!!
I wanted to add: or smaller
but that was just the red wine talking.
Red wine is a chatterbox!! Lol
Haha! And strong stuff too. You're not the only person who says weird stuff when they drink alcohol ;<)
It's universal!! What is the occasion?