Can we be friends with the cat?

in #life7 years ago


As I was a child in communism every holiday I was sent to my grandparents. At that time, for me, there was no greater punishment.
Everyone was caught with work from the first hour until the late evening. To be around other children I had to work with them. While fieldwork could not be done, I stay watching animals on pastures all day. So I came to hate the cats full of fleas, dogs barking at night, etc.
And so I started to hate the animals ...


Life has continued with many accomplishments. Then life said "you have too much it's time to a kick in the ass".

And there was a time when my child at the age of 7 was suddenly diagnosed with leukemia. After admission to Fundeni and treatment, things went from bad to worse and after three months of torment and agony with my child's death. I do not want to describe the states lived in this period, that's not the point of the story. But after this my world has collapsed. Everything we've done up until then has no value. In such moments alone. All "friends" disappear. You remain alone as an empty packet thrown into the life-dumpster without any value in the eyes of others around you only with your pain and a lot of alcohol.

During this time, one of my few remaining friends brought me a white hair ball. After two days of ignoring each other I can say that the little cat has accepted me and adopted me. The next couple of weeks was glued to me, although when I came home, I lit a candle, I sat down on the chair in front of the TV and drinking until I was asleep. Every day he was waiting for me in front of the door, and he was sleeping in my arms until I woke up in the morning to go to work.

After a few weeks she had problems and had to be operated. But I was drunk after a few beers. I have luck with the wife who handled the problem. Cat suffering, the need for care and treatment was like a cold shower for me. Gradually I began to get involved in her care and give up the drink. Gradually things went back to normal and Matone (Matone is the name of the cat) became my shadow in the house. Even now, after 10 years, she is waiting for me in front of the door, "she tells me" how I like to say to the welcoming memento that sometimes takes 2-3 minutes, then keep after me through the whole house until I sit somewhere to sit at in me arms and stay there. If I stay 10 hours and can keep it in her arms it does not move ..

And I love my cat as a family member

I have a lot of stories with Matone but I'm going to stop here and probably will come back when I feel the need to download my soul.

Ok, enough sadness for today, let's move on to more beautiful things

I did not want to write this article, but I read the article written by @laviniatherapist and I think I resonated with him.

Have a nice day dear friends online!

Have a nice day :)
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My dear @viorel , I think you just released your soul in front of us ... so happy that you made it through the health problems. Something that happen to you, happen to me ... being "obligated" to stay with my grandparents although I hated from the bottom of my soul. Well... like sucks at times and is so beautiful other times ... thank you for opening your soul!

Imi vin in minte tot felul de raspusuri, dar n-am sa le scriu. Toate par reci si false. Nu vreau sa-ti zic decat Multumesc! in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Zi placuta.

Viorel ... m ai motivat sa-mi scriu o parte din copilarie ... curand va aparea si aici ... si sa stii ca ne asemanam :) Zi frumoasa!

A pet is like a kid who never grows up. So it's our duty to take care of them from the all kinda flea and bacteria drama...

A pet loves you unconditionally, regardless of the circumstances. We can learn a lot from them.

yeah I agree this man