@kaylinart Thank you for sharing as I love seeing express such ideas. You are getting closer. Maybe I should write more on this. It is not easy to be of open mind and understanding to (true) minimalism. On this day last year I woke up and went to bed in the middle of the woods in a minimal lifestyle that I had reached at that point. Then last fall I got Meningitis and when I left the hospital I was in very different minimized state.
You should write more on this! You need to share all of your ideas with everyone :) OH my gosh Menigitis after sleeping in the woods? that sounds so awful! I hope you can still do random things like that! Except becareful next time :)
I'm always careful. Think my mind was careful through the whole Meningitis as I lived, and none of my organs failed. I wrote some, although mostly unnoticed. Learning how to share and slowly getting more reader interest.
Wrote some more on this today here.