What do we know about berries? In the wild nature berry is a nutrition source for animals and birds. People could appreciated taste, aroma and useful properties in wild berries.

Description: Cloudberry grows in the Northern hemisphere, generally in mountainous areas. It is possible to find it in peat bogs, swamp forests, moss and shrub Tundra. The ripened berry of orange color, with a diameter of 1.5 mm, in a form reminds raspberry, but has own aroma and taste. Use for preparation of jam, juice, liqueur. Very useful berry, contains many vitamins.

Description: Crowberry grows in the Northern hemisphere. It is possible to find it in the tundra, coniferous forests and sphagnum bogs. The ripened berry of black color, with a diameter up to 5 mm, very watery and almost tasteless. From it cook jam, add as a stuffing for pie, do wine, or fresh berries add to sour-milk products. In the past was used as ink and dye.
Arctic bramble

Description: Arctic bramble grows in cold and moderate zones of the Northern hemisphere. It is possible to find it near banks of the rivers, on meadows, in the wood, swamps and in Tundra. Berries is juicy and sweet, in a form reminds raspberry, but with more saturated red color. It has pineapple aroma. From leaves of a plant prepare tea which very much tones up and strengthens immunity. Juice arctic bramble lowers body temperature. Berries is used for receiving tinctures.
Nice post!!!
thank you:)