Once more, you have hit the nail right on the head with this article. I agree, from personal experience, that we can achieve anything we want if we change pur mindset and put in effort to achieve realistic goals. Getting put of comfort zone is certainly a bog part of it. When i studied for a competitive exam during my college daya, i set up my goal to choose Electronics as an alternative topic for the exam because my analysis showed that it was more precise to score on electronics questions. I got out of my comfort zone, studied the new subject and cracked the exam to get tip ranking while every one else, including my buddies, stuck to their own main subjects.@kaylinart -
Thanks for sharing. Upvoted
I have 'wasted' my weekend without getting 'wasted' and written a rather philosophical post about my butterfly and bee pictures called Float/Sting..What is your strategy. I request you to see and provide your views if you have time. Your comments will be very welcome. Thanks