Fantastic narration as always !! You are too good.@meesterboom - Can I be adopted by you please! LOL. Nope - such drastic measures are not required. I will buy my own Shiba Inu for 30 quid and wait with the little lady to become rich. I may die long before that happens though! However, a million of something sounds good to pass on as a legacy. So - perhaps a I will do it! 😀
Cheers mate!! A million things does seem like a special thing. Even if it is a million individual pieces of nonsense coins!
I shall file the adoption papers. Someone will come and pick you up, they will probably say something nice and friendly like dead or alive, you're coming with me. :OD
Thanks. You really put a great twist on everything. Makes my day!@meesterboom Bounty hunters coming to get me! Thought I would never get so important. Hahaha
I hope to get to at least 10% of your writing skills some day! Till then I have to keep plodding along to get visibility. 😅
You will get there. You are a fine writer. It all just takes off once you have been going a while! :O)
thank you for the kind words and the encouragement. Will keep at it!😊