🅾️ The meaning of Red Color: MondayRed colorchallenge (Original photos and thoughts)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Red means different things to people around the world!

Think Red always means Danger? Think again....

As I looked at this lovely Red flower in our garden, my mind reacted with mixed emotions - the bright Red color indicated 'danger' but the flower looked so pretty! I brought out my trusty Nikon P900 and took a couple of shots, thinking about the significance of Red color. In my travels, I have noticed many perceptions of different colors. I have also noted, in literature I have read from authors around the world, some popular perceptions. Here are a few interesting ones:

  • In most of the Western world, red is often associated with danger. It is, however, also associated with love, passion, sacrifice, Christmas and power.

  • In parts of Europe, the color red appears to be also associated with masculinity.

  • In Russia, red color has been immortalized as a symbol of Communism.
  • In the Celtic region, Red usually symbolizes death and afterlife.

  • In China, Red is the color of celebration, good luck, long life and happiness
  • In India, red is the color of purity
  • In Eastern parts of Asia, it is symbolic of joy and is also a bridal color

  • Many African countries associate Red color with death!
  • In Nigeria, Red can indicate wealth, vitality or aggression
  • In South Africa, for a large section of population, Red is the color of mourning.

Let me stop my monologue on Red now before you start seeing Red!! I will just leave these two images for you to ponder upon:

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Have this positive interpretation even on the warning signs of Red in life!

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Remember - the color of all blood is Red. We are all equal and deserve to be treated equally!

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The best color! @vm2904

A single color with so many applications. Thank you