Long labor = un-fun. Starting now sleep deprivation is like a badge of honour.
Che's mom says that easy labors breed criminals (that may be more about her brother than anything.)
Long labor = un-fun. Starting now sleep deprivation is like a badge of honour.
Che's mom says that easy labors breed criminals (that may be more about her brother than anything.)
Wait. 17 hours ago? I was trying to watch for your post all day.
Ready for updates here.
Ahahha... its tiring taking care of two babies (newborn and mom) I was lucky I got this one out. Should be soon. Stressed. I had my "wtf do I do?" moment last night. Panicking about whats going to happen tonight. Hard to blog at the moment.
Just the facts yo. We'll be interested in your perspectives when its stable. For now everyone just wants to know that mom is okay. (No one will care about you for months.)
Stress can keep you awake all night.
Trick is to worry about only the things you can actually control. Like a diaper service. See if you can sign up for that for a month. (Just one, you'll be fine after that.) Its also the best baby gift ever fyi.
Since this place ain't the same without you, I'm kinda thinking about a live cam of chez foov. I suspect its like she was sleeping all day and up all night for months. Like when mom was walking around, she was rocked to sleep, and now you want her to change her ways.
Night time is play time.