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RE: Read your contracts!

in #life8 years ago

If you and some others found work elsewhere and timed your exit together, how much shit would hit the fan? If some others were on board, would the mere threat of silultaneous walk-outs give this manager pause to chill? Such tactics reek more than a little of unions but it sounds like this fucker has it coming.


There will be more walkouts very soon. I have been watching one colleague, a sympathetic and vivacious south african girl who is incredibly talented, slowly showing signs of fatigue at dealing with management at the job, I would almost bet money she is leaving within the next 4 weeks.

There is a small group of sycophants at the job too, I thought they were ok but the insults they have been dishing out to me to impress the boss makes me sick. I doubt whether the manager can gather enough of these yes men to keep his business afloat. My conversation with my fellow night shift colleague made it pretty clear that he is also got in the back of his mind an exit very soon.

Maybe this pig can keep enough people to justify his existence, maybe not. I don't care to know, although I would love to be a fly on the wall to watch when it does evenutally go down in flames.

I am not interested in organising an attack against this pig, he is fucking himself hard enough without my energy being wasted unproductively destroying him. I did make a small effort to make it known to a nice and relatively honest, and perhaps the least sycophantic of his little gaggle how wrong what he is doing is, but that's as far as I go. I am even going to shut down every means by which this pig can contact me. I want nothing more to do with him. He has proven well enough he only wants to polish his ego at my expense.