Take Time to Consider Your Options During Heated Conflict- Don't Let Someone Force Your Hand

in #life5 years ago


Do not be bullied into not being able to exercise your autonomy.

A key part of being an adult is that you can exercise logic over your emotions. Bullies and gas-lighters use circular emotional "logic" to enslave you and stifle your choices.

Take the high road and do not let others dictate your actions.

How do you stop a savy bully from controlling your actions?

Take a step back and put space between them and yourself. Ask them theirposition, acknowledge their stance and take time to think about it. Is the action your own choice? Or is it something different? Is it coming from a place of love or not?

Take time out to consider your options and your path. Do not let someone force your hand.

Picture from Pixabay.

Picture from Pixabay.