in #life7 years ago

Rapai is one of art instruments from Aceh. Rapai (tambourine) divided into several types of games, reach one of them. Rapai Geleng was developed by an anonymous Aceh Selatan. The Rapai Geleng game also includes dance moves that symbolize the uniformity attitude in terms of cooperation, togetherness, and full cohesiveness in the community. This dance expresses the dynamics of society in poems (songs) sung, kustum and basic motion of the element [dance meuseukat.]
The function of this dance is religious syari, instilling moral values ​​to the community, and also explaining about how to live in social society. Rapai geleng was first developed in 1965 on the South Coast Coast. At that time Rawa Geleng dance was brought in when filling the void of santri time that saturated after studying. Then, this dance is used as a means of propaganda because it can make the attraction of the audience very much.

This type of dance is meant for men. Usually who plays this dance there are 12 men who have been trained. The poem is socialization to the society about how to live in society, religion and solidarity are upheld.

Dances Rapai Geleng there are 3 rounds are:

Saleum (Salam)
The story (both the story of the apostle, prophet, king, and religious teachings)
Lani (cover)