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RE: Can We Trade Stricter Gun Laws For Stricter Abortion Laws?

in #life7 years ago

I see what you are saying, BUT to live in a civilized society we must find common ground. I don't think this idea will ever work. Notice I was very careful in how I described the changes to gun laws. At the end of the day, I'm just trying to get people to think in terms of finding common goals and common ground. The point isn't the guns or the laws, but the real problem in my opinion, we are not teaching our kids to value life. I appreciate your comment!!!


Thank you for making this comment @walkingkeys because before it, I thought you were going in a totally different direction with your post.

I agree wholeheartedly that not enough of us are teaching our children to value life. That is ultimately where the battle is fought and won, isn't it? In our homes, within our families, with our children against all of what others would sling at us. It certainly includes doing what we can to provide our children with alternatives to the "death" culture that pervades media, entertainment, video games, society in general.

But that's also the hard way, isn't it? The way that requires everyone to somehow come to the same conclusion and then act upon it, without compulsion. Because government only needs one bad actor, or even someone they can portray as a bad actor, to justify their own usefulness and bring down the law.

Ultimately, morality can't be legislated. You can pick a side and then reward or punish accordingly, but then it will be those who are already inclined to live their lives the same way without the law that will follow, and it's those who are not, that will ultimately find the way to get around the law.

It's why just people will rebel against unjust laws, and the unjust will kill, plunder and pillage with greater impunity because of the 'just' ones.

The problem is that both sides are completely wrong that you want to compromise with. We should have fewer restrictions on guns and abortions, not more. Perhaps there could be a compromise in that direction. Indeed our media and games and music all promote violence, in media a gun is always a plot device. If you see one in a movie it will always be used for gun violence and that violence will advance the plot. So people whose experience of guns comes from the media will have an irrational fear of them because they have been conditioned their whole lives with that. People whose experience comes from real life have not been conditioned to have that irrational response.