There Is An Unforgiving Future Coming

in #life7 years ago

Technology has opened up opportunity and information like never before, but there will come a time when the people who have not embraced technology will have a hard time making a living and competing in a word with robots and digital systems integrated online. The future is coming.

Everyday there is a new article about autonomous cars. See one here...

What happens when that technology is embraced and starts to take over? Almost 2 million people in America make their money driving trucks, postmen, pizza delivery, Uber and hauling freight. If autonomous vehicles take over, that could over a million jobs lost. 

News comes out often about robots in all kinds of industries. They have already transformed factories and with the cheap labor in China destroyed the American factories that led us through the first 75 years of the 1900's.  Soon robots will start creeping into the food & beverage industry, into the fast food industry, into the military and police forces, private security, shipping, teaching and probably the largest... healthcare industry. 

In the relatively near future, technology will replace millions and millions of jobs and even places like Walmart will not be immune. Amazon and online shopping is destroying retail all over America. When Amazon can find a way to deliver almost everything within 24 hours, even places like Walmart will have to scale back and cut jobs.

The hardest hit will be the lower class. Normally entry level jobs are the drivers, the fast food workers or Walmart. What happens when those options become less and less in demand? 

There is an unforgiving future coming and we need to find a way to prepare for it. Learn skills that make you valuable for the future that is coming and not the present you are in.  

What do you think will replace the millions of jobs that will be lost due to technology?

To my followers, you are the STEEM in my engine. 


There's a gentleman who addresses a possible solution to this problem when too many jobs are taken away from automation and a lot of people unemployed. It's called Universal Basic Income, at first you skeptical of it but as you do more research you could see how it works with the future we will be dealing with. Oh and the guy's name is @scottsantens he's on Steemit too.

It seems almost all jobs can be replaced , maybe those people can be a blogger on steemit

hahaha, that is my plan. lol. I think a lot of people will find their way to new skills, but many will just sit back and let the world happen... and complain the entire time.

Seen those people a lot lately as i have been explaining to people about bitcoin and steemit. I think more than half the people haven't heard of bitcoin even with the massive gains

Some bots have been replying to me sometimes. I just posted for 3 seconds the other day and then there was a comment already saying great photo, upvoted, follow me and i follow you

The bigwigs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are working on AI - they also openly discuss a standard wage for everyone. Basically a free handout for the people.

The reason behind this is of course that they see the future impact AI robotics will have - people will be out of jobs and have no money! They are the establishment and don't want unruly sheeple ruining things for them - hence the basic universal income for everyone to keep us peasants happy.

What we really need to do is drop out of their matrix and not buy their consumer goods. Then the coming singularity won't happen. If we buy into it, then we're buying into our doom. As soon as we take government handouts and forget how to pick up a gun and hunt for our food, how to grow our own crops, or how to get water the old fashioned way, then we're done for as a species. I'll take guns, ammo, some seeds and some know how over a job or a handout any day.

As much as I wish the world wouldn't forget the skills you are talking about, I think humans will turn their back on "primitive" skills to our detriment. Thank you for reading and replying. You are right about us buying into our own doom. I think that couldn't be closer to the truth....

There are still those of us who will keep those skills alive as long as the AI robots will allow us to continue existing.

This is the best time to acquire skills like coding digital marketing and stuff like that.

That is a good point, those that are aware of what is happening can really prepare themselves for the future. Thanks for reading and replying.

Good post! I'm going to follow you to see more post like this and for support us!

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Upvoted and happy to be part of your Steem engine. People are even struggling to adapt to solar energy jobs. I think a big thing will be embracing people from other backgrounds so they don't feel ostracized as they move to fields they are not comfortable in yet

You are right, but there are many reasons keeping people from learning or facing the future and most of it is laziness and denial. lol you got a new follower. Thanks for reading.

Great post & great comments ... Steemit at its best!

A crazy, fast changing world we live in. I really like the smacking alarm clock.

Image Credit:

And it is driving at exponential speeds x stronger and stronger AI = ...?...

To late it has already happened just not on a major scale so far. Many surgeries are done by robots, food, farming, water treatments yup all done by robots..

I think what the scientist should do with technology is find a way to create food out of nothing, like the animated movie ''cloudy with a chance of meatballs''. As you said everywhere else things get easier to do with robots people are going to lose their jobs. What that's gonna cost? Literally their life.
We need food to stay alive, so how about food comes from everywhere and people won't need to work anymore.
Aren't that exactly what they are trying to do right now? using robots so people don't have to do those work?

As long as we cling to the idea that competition is the only thing that leads to progress, I don't see much of a future for any of us, even the best prepared are beginning to become expendable. Experimentation and open mindedness is needed if we want to avoid very dark days ahead. Experimentation with different forms of capitalism, socialism, anarchism, gift economies and whatever the hell new ideas people can come up with. Steemit is a good example. I believe with a balance between healthy individualism (not egoism) and collectivism (community, not group think) we will be able to find the answers.

Nothing is going to replace those jobs. Those people are f***ed.

And it's not going to stop there. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, military generals; those people probably think their jobs are safe and can never be taken by software -- and they are wrong. It won't happen all at once; in their cases, the bots and software will start out as flawed tools, move on to being useful tools then indispensable tools, then able assistants.

Then at some point they'll become shoulder-surfing overseers. The surgeon with the surgical robot correcting her technique. That's the last stop before total replacement.