in #life8 years ago

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When you stop and examine your life, what would you say is your biggest regret? Strangely, in my consoling of successful and unsuccessful people I have had the opportunity to talk with a lot of people, and I can honestly say that The Top 3 Things that most people have shared with me about their biggest regret in life, falls into one of these three categories: #1) not spending enough quality time with loved ones before watching them pass away, or not letting them know how much they are/were appreciated before they died, #2) not following a gut instinct to do or say something at a particular time in life, especially when every fabric of your being was telling you to do so, and #3) failing to discover one's true purpose in life, and being afraid to pursue a lifelong dream!!

Yes Dreamer , EVERY TIME I speak with someone and ask them what they regret the most in their life, their answer falls into one of these three categories. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

I believe that REGRET is far more painful than FAILURE or DISAPPOINTMENT, because the sting of regret runs so much deeper into our hearts! That's right! You can heal from disappointment, and you can both learn and overcome your failures in life. But REGRET? It just hangs around like an unwanted house guest, and simply REFUSES to leave!! And no matter how long its been since the particular incident took place, REGRET can open up the flood gates of your tear ducts and make you cry just like something happened only yesterday!!
The advice I sometimes give people is this: "You must really LIVE YOUR LEGACYas though every day is your LAST DAY ON EARTH, and treat those whom you love as though you will NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN!" I mean, if there's someone you love or care about, make it A PRIORITY to let them know how much they mean to you! And if there's something deep in your heart that your inner spirit is disturbing you TO DO, as I say in many of my songs "GO GET IT" Make it A PRIORITY to rediscover your purpose in life at that time! Because you never know --- tomorrow is not promised. And this could be your very last opportunity to try!!

Things change and maybe you were born during an era in which your goals seemed unpractical. If you have the spirit to get things done, and you’re an 69 year olds, use your tools. Use them all as hard as you can and stop making excuses.

Its true, living your life with REGRETS about all the things you "could've said" or "would've done", but for whatever reason, NEVER did it --- is what makes tears fall from your eyes like raindrops!!!

Jackson 360 aka DrJackson360