Why I Quit Going To Church

in #life7 years ago

Church has changed from yesteryear to the new mega churches popping up as well as churches embracing what I call new age teachings. Gone are the days when a church minister would pick the Sunday sermon to reflect comfort and hope to our surrounding everyday struggles. Call it the politically correct destruction of values.

When the public arena was wiped clean of the ten commandments the down fall of society quickly followed. There was no reminder of a higher power watching ones every move. Kindness and courtesy were replaced with selfishness and rudeness. In my bathroom I have the ten commandments prominently displayed where they can be read everyday. It's my reminder to never forget someone is watching me always.

Source: newleipzig.com

I have struggled with churches all my life. A church my mother brought me to as a preteen made the hair on my neck stand up when they were babbling in what is called "tongues". When I was out on my own, my thirst for some fellowship and bible teachings had me trying different churches where ever I lived. Lost when my bible verses didn't match what the minster was reading my frustration grew. With umpteen versions of bibles it's almost impossible to follow along. Also I seemed to be one of a handful bringing my own bible.

Currently, I live in a rural area that is predominately Catholic churches and I'm not Catholic. I was saved Methodist and raised Pentecostal. I have a big problem with Pentecostal churches with the babbling bit, so those are out. A few years ago I joined a small Lutheran church when I lived in a neighboring town. They did not embrace the worlds teachings and they used the KJV bible. I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I had to move and my current town hasn't shown one I would feel right joining because I come for the sermon, it's been a tough week. Either build up my strength or stop preaching!

Source: Pinterest.com

Most rural churches today have what I call a social gathering. Some have rolls and coffee before or after and the sermon is flat. It's as if the minister has given up! No where does the minister pick a sermon to lift up the weary and forget about giving you something to carry you through the next week. The bible has a lot of teaching yet today's ministers seem to focus on some long ago transcript on what sermon to have for the week, not searching for some biblical teachings on handling what we go through everyday. We have people killing each other every minute, society has turned their backs on sound teachings and call them evil. Most people go to church to be built back up, yet the ministers are letting the people down.

Even the best tv preachers have been stripped from the air waves due to the PC police afraid feelings of sinners will be hurt. So I sit at home, reading by myself. I've found a great book called "Where To Find It In The Bible" almost like a dictionary as it's alphabetical, and I can find the comfort passages I need quickly. But the church needs to step back and look at what they've done to turn away their flocks. One of the best examples of a church losing it's way is the one where I went to a Methodist church for Easter Sunday.

Source: gnli.christianpost.com

Having never been at this church, it was my first time. First impressions DO matter and this one was terrible! First, social hour in the basement. When the sermon was started I was mortified the sermon was not on the death of Jesus and his ultimate rising from the dead, I couldn't tell you what it was about. My friend and I were bewildered at this blatant disregard of the meaning of Easter. We kept looking around for Alan Funt and a camera crew. After the service my friend couldn't take it. He pulled the minister aside and asked him what he was doing, I kid you not.

He admitted he had lost his way, his faith and was discouraged. I have to wonder if this is a silent plague among ministers. They pick sermons that don't fit the times and struggles their congregation faces throughout the week, they are using obscure bibles making the flock "trust" what bible the minister is using. All wrong on so many levels and churches wonder why people have stopping coming.

Source: michaelpatz.com

The bible talks about the fall of the church in the end times. Yes, I know, people have been saying the end of times has been happening for centuries, but one needs to read what the end times really are. They are not all found in Revelation, some are in Daniel, some in Isaiah & Jeremiah. The fall of the church is a big red flag and one that has not happened in the past, it should be heeded. Today's church needs to step back and look at what they are teaching to bring back the membership numbers. We want to be lifted up with hope, we want to be armed with knowledge to fight the battles of evil, we want comfort in a world that has went mad.


I tried all kinds of churches and religions and I found one right after another were Full-0-Crap sick churches full of hateful people. I even tried Hon Pa Hongwanji Temple and nothing.

I moved to a small town in Idaho and found a church that has mostly young families, Plenty Children running around and people that I found really cared for me. I have been there for a year now and I am Tithing for the first time in my life a true 10 %.

I was told the blessings will come if I tithe and they did. My rent went down from $450 a month to an incredible $198 a month. Then my rent went down again with the new lease to $158 a month. The people knew I had no car 20 miles from everything and THEY GAVE ME ONE!

I was dumbstruck. I went from depressed with my life to elated. I am so happy with This church for the first time since I was 12 years old!

You might not like what church it is but I don't care it works for me.

Please No Hate.

It is a small Branch of the Mosco Stake

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints.

I come from Christian stock and I bring the Bible to our Sunday meetings and integrate [it] with the Book of Mormon. The teaching has gotten very interesting and lively. Sometimes we even have after church lunch and recently had a Christ mas Party and a Harvest Celebration as well.
I have never been happier.

I am so happy for you Mr Bill. It is true what happens when we give the lord our 10%, blessing come for our needs. It is good you now have fellowship rejoicing together to praise our Lord. God looks in the heart and if we follow Him we will never be lead astray.

Who is Mr Bill? Not me.

Hahaha! I;m sorry, DrBill I was very tired last night and I watch a guy on YT who goes my mr. bill. Been getting the final food and homemade gifts ready for tonight. I went to bed at 4:30 this morning

Here is a short video I think you will enjoy its not my link and Im not making any money on it lol. It is however very informative. Feel free to contact me with any questions afterwards.

Interesting! I found it interesting the shaded areas covering Saudi Arabia. I will be checking out this site for further reading, thank you.

They have a ton of very biblical research videos.
Again please feel free to ask

The Kingdom of God is within us <3 <3 <3

Yes indeed. It is the fellowship I miss.

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I can completely relate. At times it is hard to tell if the pastor is up there speaking just to collect a check, or whether he has a real message to share. What's worse, the modern Church has, in most cases, lost all sense of community. To live out and be the body of Christ, we have to work together as a community. I still attend a local Church, but I eventually had to realize it would never satisfy that desire for community (think the early Church in Acts).

About two years ago, my wife and I started a small group that rotates houses each week. There weren't any that we knew of in the area, so we decided to just take a leap of faith and start one. That has been one of the best choices we have made. We are like one big family! We are all completely unique and bring with us all of our weaknesses, strengths, and varied perspectives. Most of us attend different Churches, but we all share the same King. We were really inspired by Francis and Lisa Chan. If you have time, search some of his videos out on youtube.

Thanks for sharing your heart. You are not alone!

We each have to do what our heart feels is right. I've never heard of Francis Chan, I'll have to look into him. Thanks.