Your social life is defined by your worst relationship. So if you have a dysfunctional relationship in your life that is unresolved, you can't get out of that particular inner-outer environment. Look around at all your relationships. What is your most dysfunctional relationship? That is the one that has you tethered. Like a dog tethered to a peg with a 20 foot chain.
Your tether, your chain, your limitation, is your least functional relationship. That's the one you either breakthrough or break up in. So you're not going to be able to, I think and feel, breakthrough to the good relationships until you find closure with the dysfunctional relationships. Because that's always in your head, it's always part of your interactions with others.
Those who are functional, scan, scan, scan, scan.... When they meet new people they scan. They look for red flags, warning signs. They are very adroit and adapted to seeing them and backing the hell off. You can't get to the higher plain, you can't get to the better place until you deal with what was before. You can not have a more functional social relationship in the long run, than the least functional relationship still in your life. Because they just wont let you in.
So if your most dysfunctional relationship is with yourself then... Or with yourself and another then... And what is functional anyways? Perhaps people with more closure..., hmm... So how does this all work anyways...
A good post I like with the post.
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