When the Time starts before you wanted him to start...

in #life4 years ago

Hi dear friends and comunity,

as we all know this world in this life has only one oppurtunity. The option of beeing kind in this world and give people (family, friends and also people we dont know) enough of good energy is ONE WAY. The other option is to be not kind and you guys all know, i dont have to explain what all of unkindness could be, but to decide and behave to this type, its also a decision. In the end we all go into the graveyard and dont take anything valuable with us. No Money, No property, no financial asset! The only thing we take with us into the grave is the REPORT where it shows for which Way/Option we have decided. 🙏🏼

I hope u guys decide always for the good and best side. And even if not, there is always a moment when you are thinking...WHEN THE TIME STARTS BEFORE YOU WANTED HIM TO START ⏳💟⌛️

Spread love and good energy, this is the best medicine to all of our worst Diseases 💪🏼🙏🏼❣️🔐