Thanks for sharing that about yourself.
I grew up with more than enough but i was taught that it was never enough. That also left some scars, so after I graduated I tried to live all kind situation of lives to see what felt like enough. Eventually I ended up with absolutely nothing and, funny enough, I finally felt like I had it all. I like good food and interacting with society and would like more opportunities to pay it forward though so I’ve worked my way out of that situation. I have some stuff now, probably not as much as most people in well off parts of he world, but more every day and I’m already able to pay more forward.
I’ll still eat day old bread from the bakery or fresh enough food from a dumpster dive, no need to waste it. ;-P
You got a big upvote for me, for honesty and candor. thanks for sharing. This is exactly the type of realism I was hoping by someone like yourself, telling their own story reaching out like I did. Thank you so much for that...
That’s what I’m here for. I want to connect with all the forward thinking people who are adopting this new platform and form of currency, rather than those just whining about Facebook on Facebook and complaining about they’re lives without trying anything new.
I always enjoy your posts.