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RE: Character Classes

in #life7 years ago

Did Kenny write a book? I missed that...where can I find it?

I'm glad you found each other :-D

I used to enjoy imagining everything in my life as an RPG. I am certainly a mixed class though.
I don't know much about it but from your description, I believe I'm kicking ass with Fire and Air but lacking in the water and earth....hmm


I'm working on it right now, and this is the first (of hopefully manymanymany) submissions from others to help create it! Interesting you bring up the elements in that way, since those are so important in Chinese medicine & Ayurveda.

Also funny how chinese medicine has been my main mode of catching up in the water and earth departments. I’m thankful for these issues with my back and neck because thanks to them I’ve finally learned to understand the subtle messages my muscles and nerves are telling me about what I need, and also getting me into maintaining good habits