Rant On Today's Politics

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I believe in tolerance, personal freedom, and personal responsibility. I do not care what color you are. As in I don't care. Not that I feel a responsibility to do something different for you based on your skin tone. I don't care who you marry, doesn't bother me a bit. I will go to your wedding and I will hope you are treated well. But I don't feel I have to do anything special for you based on who you are married to. On women, WE absolutely do have the ability to earn the same as men, most of my career I earned more money than the majority of the men I worked with, I had both male and female mentors. Nobody tried to hold me back.  As a woman I can earn, own and vote. I don't require any special laws or programs equality is mine to earn, but you can't give it to me with legislation.  Quickly lose the "pussy hats" get to work and show men you are equal.

I hate the focus of identity politics, I hate the divide-narrative that tells us (untruly) that I have to pick between police and blacks or between Christians and gays or left and right even. Pick up your big boy/girl panties and understand other people and their dogs and their actions are going to bother you sometimes. They aren't going to do things or believe in the same thing you do. That is okay. You are not the morality police.

The left and the right are exactly the same. They feel they should control the values of the other side. If you feel it is your responsibility to give your stuff to people with less please feel free to do it. If you don't like gay marriage don't marry a gay person. Don't believe in abortion?, simple don't have one. 

Mind your own business.

Have a nice day. 


That's an awful lot of common sense in one post WU. Hope it doesn't trigger too many liberals. Regards, SirKnight.

As they say, the world truly sucks. Even if we're at the most sincere position, any disruption from that sincere position will just likely happen. But it's also a good thing to know that we're so lucky to have been existing and that we have this ability to decide on where's the line or what to focus on to be able to live a life that could already be considered as good.

Sounds fair to me. :-)

Disagreements will always exist but to c what is happening now in AmerIca is sickening, differing beliefs need to b respected with change coming thru the voting process, if u lose the will of the people needs to b respected or societal breakdown occurs..

Live & let live. Respect others. Agree to disagree. Lead by example. Actions speak louder than words. Be the change that you wish to see.✌🏻️&❤️

I don't want to ruin the party or come over as crazy, but the simple biological fact is that race is a little more then skin color alone (although even this is a taboo to say these days, and I can write a whole rant about that.)

While I am not that clear on what you mean, unless it is about culture differences. Even if there are differences, they don't matter to me.

I don't blame you, most people aren't really aware of it or have been scared through peer pressure to not mention the subject. It's simply not taught these days.

It's not clear in my post, but I am female. There are biological differences between men and women as well. Yet, I have no problem getting along with people of both sexes. I consider the issue to be about the same.

well said :)

thank you

People are hurting, the world is changing. Things are getting heated. Empathy & love towards others, is the only way we are going to survive, or we will implode.