Heal your digestive system with Greek tree-sap? How to kill LORI

in #life7 years ago


First off, I am not a doctor or a health care professional. What follows is friendly (and detailed) advice, gather from years personal experiences. And you will (most likely) have a different set of experiences than mine. To cut myself short and not to include my lifelong interested for the human body, I have been studying nutrition for about 12 going on 13 years now, and on this journey I have picked up on a thing or two regarding health. The whole body/mind connection - and how its really all intrinsically connected... So I fancy a holistic approach, especially in regards to the process of healing your digestive system. NO magic pill theory as there are several factors in play, like an eco-system, one affects the other.

Seen as I mostly discuss ancient African history (on my little more obscure blog), as those are topics closest to my heart, I thought I would change the themes from language and morphology, to convey some knowledge on a little, although very important organ, seated in the lower part of your throat, the thyroid.


Now this little organ sets the pace for how your digestive system works, hence it also set the degree (fahrenheit or celsius) at which you run about leading your life, all day and all night. Yes, this rings true to the old saying some are hot and some are cold... Who`d have figured it could be that easy...? It kinda is actually..

So then, if your digestion is sluggish or you`ve got symptoms like cold hands, cold feet or even a cold heart - how do you turn up the heat?


Before I go deeper into a specific protocol on how to start reversing years of damage, sluggish organs and build up of bad bacteria (pathogens) - I need to express that you might not only have problems with your thyroid if your digestive system is acting up. There are numerous ails and problems inside your body that also could be causing your other symptoms, as I said it will differ from person to person. However getting your thyroid hormone levels checked, is a start to begin mapping what the heck is going on inside your body. So, get some numbers on your TSH-levers first, then pick up this article and follow the steps, without overdoing it or taking to much or to little of anything - you`ll be fine.

Hashimotos and Graves
Now diseases like Hashimotos and Graves can be brought to submission after a really bad bacteria, called Helicobacter Pylori (also known as LORI), is eradicated from your system. Youve all have hear stories of people who seem to have recovered their health through removing the so-calledreactive foods(foods they react to), and through a diet revolved around probiotics and various supplements, you can get you Hashimotos into remission by following only the above steps. You will feel better and your thyroid antibodies will dropp significantly, HOWEVER your health problems can begin (will begin) creeping back in again. Enter the food sensitivities (again), which mean you can react to nuts, bananas and even eggs, so-called nutrient dense foods, which leads to many people getting the message they are gluten and dairy sensitive...

Hm... Food you perhaps used to able to eat, you now cannot eat any longer? Why not? Whats this really all about ?

Well, most likely people walk about having a gut infection, adding to that they can have several gut infections. Most common and what will be the focus and attention here - is goodol LORI (Helicobacter Pylori), the bad girl connected to both Hashimotos and Graves` disease, that often enough is the direct culprit in the onset food sensitivities. I was in thorough denial that I had any these gut infections myself, even after several years of being gluten and dairy free (almost a complete vegan at some point). It was not until I gained insight on how to treat the gut infections, one by one, that improvements where made- Improvements measured in how I felt and having a reduction in thyroid antibodies. A test you can ask for when getting your TSH-levels from your doctors office.

Sure one might think its embarrassing to talk about gut infections, and it is kinda gross and strange to talk about. Still its a serious issue non the less and rampant in the modern world of process foods and readily available sugars. Leaky gut is a serious problem for allot of people, myself included ! So get your thyroid levels checked. And then get on this info, it will change your life !

Conventional medicine does a fantastic job in ignoring the gut in relation to thyroid health, but also natural medicines are missing the whole picture in regards to gut health, by only focusing on supportive and maintenance care (supplements, probiotics, bone broth and removing certain foods for a time perhaps permanent) instead of the gut itself. You need the protocol also !

The actions above are essential in restoring the gut health, when considering that someone might be nutrition depleted or has a strong allergic reaction (like celiacs disease), HOWEVER they do not address the underlying root of most cases of so-called intestinal permeability - INFECTION IN THE GUT !

The Protocol (full protocol further below, with links for step 3. and products on www.herb.com, and no I won't get a commission)

So, enough smalltalk, lets walk through a suggested three step natural protocol. It can be of interest to have a so-called three-pronged approach in healing the gut (preferably for life):

  1. Kill off ANY infections that may be irritating the gut walls and causing the leaky gut in the first place

  2. Remove reactive foods, that rove difficult to digest with big particle size (thinking 30 to 90 days), this includes gluten, dairy, soy, grains, nuts and seeds

  3. Adding a rigid supplement routing, which includes Mastic gum and probiotics, to accelerate the prosess of healing the gut

So then - try to stick to a plan (like the above) that will work for you and your diet, to get the best possible result. This protocol will include supportive foods, various herbs a natural medication protocol - Or a combination of the three to get some lasting results or even total remission. For some its enough to do step 1 or 2, for others all three must be completed for satisfactory results.

Hashimoto’s and Infections
If you happen to have a chronic infections, or have Hashimotos, its one of those infections that gets the least amount of attention, yet identifying and treating said infection can result in Hashimotos complete remission. Some of the infections can be progressive, adding more and more symptoms if not identified and treated accordingly. Some of these will be discussed below.

Molecular Mimicry (MM)
MM is one of the leading theories of autoimmune disease, and to put a rather fancy title into simple words, this theory states that our immune system with a pathogen (a pathogenic organism, like a bad bacteria, parasite or virus), that looks similar to components of the thyroid gland. In short the gland is actually attacking itself, the immune system remembers isolated protein sequences on the pathogen (bacteria), rather than the entire sequences on the pathogen itself and then looks for similar proteins as possible targets for an attack. So your thyroid, for instance, is attacked due to a mistaken identity, when its really trying to remove the infection.

Bystander Effect (BE)

Another autoimmune theory explains ho infections can trigger autoimmunity is the Bystander Effect (BE), when an infection inside the actual target organ leads the immune system to attack the origins of the infections. So then in case of Hashimoto`s, the infection is inside thyroid cells, thusly the immune system attacks the thyroid gland itself.

Where Do they live?
Infections can live in gums, sinuses, thyroid gland, stomach, intestines, and anywhere else in your body. Infections that can contribute to the development of autoimmunity through various means, depending on where they have deiced to “live” (i.e. MM outside of the thyroid gland, and the BE inside of the thyroid gland). Infections that live in the gut, gums or sinuses can also contribute to intestinal permeability directly.

Thats great, how come more people dont seem to talk about these bacteria, good or bad - and why isn’t there more focus on infectious origins of Autoimmune Disease
What a good question. There is a great deal of evidence that suggests that Hashimotos is directly caused by an infectious agent, with positive blood tests indicating a past or current exposure to an infection. They have yet to conclude that Hashimotos is caused by an infection because they are looking for one single infection in every person with Hashimoto`s. This goes with out saying they are set up for failure, as every single with the disease should then have the infection and every single person without the disease will be free of the infection. Its a simplistic approach I know, because numerous infections pathogens can have a similar protein sequence to say the thyroid gland and numerous infections do have the same ability to infect the thyroid gland, again causing leaky gut. This is complex stuff I know, with lots of cross-reactions and immune responses. Hang in there for the complete protocol. IN short studies fall short because they are look ing for one infection and one condition. Its far more complex than that, off course this scares anyone that has a closer look at it from a conventional medical perspective stiff. They won't touch it. And it doesn't have to be like the photo below, just a name for all the things wrong with us.

Root Cause Research Report
Glancing on a 2013 Chinese study, they found a rate of H. Pylori infection in 66% of people with Graves’ disease and 37.7% of people with Hashimoto’s. Nows thats numbers for yah !
As the rates of H. pylori in controls was 32%, the researchers concluded that H. pylori was not likely a causative factor for Hashimoto’s, but of course, they did not perform any other tests, say genetic, on the controls to determine if the controls had the correct genetic predisposition! After all, it’s a combination of genes vs. triggers. These things do tend to stay in the family if you know what I mean.

Helicobacter Pylori - Lori
So what or who is Lori? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a Gram-negative spirochete shaped bacteria that burrows into our stomach lining and secretes urease, which neutralizes stomach acid. To be frank it takes a dumb in your digestive system...
The byproduct of the urease and stomach acid is toxic to epithelial cells (cells in stomach walls) as are the other chemicals produced by this bacterium, leading to damage to cells, a disruption of tight junctions and inflammation.

This bacterium can trigger an immune response and has been implicated in numerous autoimmune conditions, including Hashimoto’s. While H. pylori is thought to be common in asymptomatic (unaffected) individuals – it can affect as many as 50% of people worldwide. Possibly (similar to all autoimmune triggers) H. pylori is part of the digestive issues in a genetically susceptible and vulnerable individual.

H. pylori has been traced to ulcers and can contribute to low stomach acid, leading people to improperly digest their foods. In turn, the poorly digested foods are not broken down properly, and thus the person ends up with multiple food sensitivities as a result of this infectious bad girl.

Only a small percent, perhaps 5-10% of those infected will develop an ulcer with H. pylori. Others may have acid reflux, while as many as 50% may be asymptomatic...which means they have the infection but are seemingly infected, but in truth they can be very sick...

H. pylori is transmitted orally, from person to person, as well as potentially between people and their pets... Think about that for a while...your pets are walking bacteria transmitters... Pass the Mastic please !

Testing for H. Pylori
Breath test (only positive in the most severe)
Blood test (can be done at home with a kit from eBay)
Stool antigen test: GI Pathogen Screen with H. pylori Antigen-BioHealth Kit or self-order GI-MAP
Notes about testing: blood tests are also available for antibodies to Lori, but they may always differentiate between past and current infections. Conventional doctors may recommend an Lori breath test, but this will be positive only in severe cases. (The stool antigen test can uncover many low-grade infections). The stool antigen can be order them through a functional medicine practitioner.

60 Day Natural H. Pylori Protocol
Some up and coming physicians do not recommend antibiotic treatments when H. pylori is found through the stool test, also if the person is symptom free. Although a natural protocol, with ingredients you can get from iherb.com - can be a might tool in eradicating Lori altogether, without the use of antibiotics that can affect the gut bacteria flora in a negative way.

So, the 3 ingredients you will need for a better life are :
Mastic Gum 500mg: Take two capsules three times per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

DGL Plus: One three times per day (breakfast, lunch dinner)

S. boulardii: 2 three times per day

Die off symptoms are bound to occur - they may be severe, lasting a week or several months, or this natural approach may prove to be to much for your system depending on state of illness and situation. Or you could be one of those that won't notice a thing.
Either way - please go easy, try the lowest possible amount of each ingredient before going full on head first onto this. Your health is ultimately up to you (and should you choose to include) your practitioner into you scheme (recommended) as to the right protocol to choose. A general advise would be to think about your symptoms, past reaction history and your own timeline when choosing a treatment. If you have negative history with antibiotics, skip them and go straight for the natural protocol spurred in this post. As you well do know my sentiments on all things un-natural and man made, its short lived and will most level do more damage than good in the end. You want long lasting healing !


Food, movement & pharmacy
This could have been the bone and marrow of this article, seen as much of the food we eat do have all we need to heal. Although some supplements are necessary these days and sometimes drastic measures are in place after years of damage and build up. I will have to cut myself short for the sake of the article length, diet is a whole other matter, heres what I get in my body each day:

Cabbage guide (rich in glutamine heals gut and surpasses Lori

Vitamin C (everyone should supplement Vit.C) orange juice
Vitamin A (vegetarian source)
Garlic (a clove) and Ginger
Vitamin B, especially vitamin B12
15-20min walk or workout (every day)
Mastic Gum (for chewing also helps tooth ache) Just Once (supplement from Rainbow light, for men and women) https://www.iherb.com/pr/Rainbow-Light-Just-Once-Men-s-One-Food-Based-Multivitamin-150-Tablets/14194

So thats it, fairly simple, you start out with a little mastic after having cleaned up your diet and gotten your TSH, then you work your way up towards completing the full 60 day natural protocol.

As always for more content like this support the website www.whispersinear.com

God Bless

Oxolo lube nani


  1. Aghili R, Jafarzadeh F, Bhorbani R, et al. The association of Helicobacter pylori infection with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Acta Med Iran. 2013;51(5):293-6.
  2. Arslan M, Ekiz F, Deveci M et al. The relationship between cytotoxin-associated gene A positive Helicobacter pylori infection and autoimmune thyroid disease. Endocrine Research. 2015;40(4):211-214. doi:10.3109/07435800.2015.1015727.
  3. Bassi V, Marino G, Iengo A, Fattoruso O, Santinelli, C. Autoimmune thyroid diseases and Helicobacter pylori : The correlation is present only in Graves’s disease. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012;18(10):1093-7. doi:10.3748/wjg.v18.i10.1093.
  4. Bassi V, Santinelli C, Iengo A, Romano C. Identification of a correlation between Helicobacter pylori infection and Graves’ disease. Helicobacter. 2010;15(6):558-62. doi:10.1111/j.1523-5378.2010.00802.x.
  5. de Luis D, Varela C, de La Calle H, et al. Helicobacter pylori infection is markedly increased in patients with autoimmune atrophic thyroiditis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 1998;26(4):259-63. doi:10.1097/00004836-199806000-00008.
  6. Franceschi F, Satta M, Mentella M et al. Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Helicobacter. 2004;9(4):369-369. doi:10.1111/j.1083-4389.2004.00241.x.
  7. Shi W, Liu W, Zhou X, Ye F, Zhang G. Associations of Helicobacter pylori infection and cytotoxin-associated gene A status with autoimmune thyroid diseases: A meta-analysis. Thyroid. 2013;23(10):1294-300. doi:10.1089/thy.2012.0630.


  • good work!

Thank you Viktoria :) Took about ten years to get the protocol just right, for me anyways :) bless you

bless you back :)