One of the things I am often sharing with people is that the Universe tends to bring us precisely what we asked for, and precisely what we need.
It may not feel like that, and things may feel "unfair" and we didn't at all "ask for something, perhaps like you are experiencing. But if a person keeps putting forth the intent I need to slow down and yet does not act on it? The Universe may send us a couple of broken toes or a foot injury...
Sending healing and bright blessings from afar!
That's very true manifestations are always waiting for the right time to shape up. May be it's time for a pay off and a lesson to be learnt. And the best part is when you get out of it the feeling is so liberating. While I have a lot of pain, I have loads of good wishes coming forth and a lot of healing happening which is giving me a lot of strength and keeps me going on smoothly in this phase for which I am very very grateful to all my well wishers.
Thank you very much for your good wishes and healing energies @whitelightexpress