Two years ago I was raped on a date by a kind and romantic man, I thought he was such. But we live in a vile and cruel world, two years passed and I need to tell you my story. I went to a date to a good guy Sasha. I did not know what lies ahead, but behind was the first course of institute. I was an attractive woman: 170cm tall, long brown hair fell in soft waves around the narrow shoulders and green eyes on a snowy face. I was happy: exams were passed, everything is fine with the personal life what could be better? Suddenly I remembered the moments of first meeting with Sasha. High tanned brunette with brown eyes, he was athletic and practiced boxing. He sat down in the dining room, and game me a chocolate as a little gift. I was in seventh heaven, because i liked him for six months. We had a nice conversation and finally he declaimed me a poem of his own composition. Oh, how romantic. A few days ago we went on a first date and everything was wonderful. Sasha was very caring and kind. He loved to talk about literature and reading poetry. He seemed to understand me perfectly. Finally, he drove me to my house, kissed me on the cheek and said he would be very glad to welcome our next meeting. From that moment I was in seventh heaven, I felt in my stomach butterflies tickling and I started to dream about our happy future. If only I knew what would happen then ... And then we went on a second date. He took me to a restaurant and was very surprised that I did not want to drink wine (I do not like alcohol, it reminds me my uncle, the drunkard). All meeting we talked about the understanding in a relationship between men and women. Sasha listened to me very attentively and nodded his head in understanding. In the end he talked a little about how important morale and self-esteem in our callous world. He drove me home, but somehow not at the front door. I was in love like a fool,flew in my dreams and did not notice the alarm. Sasha somehow strange looked at me, kissed meto the lips but he was not in a hurry to release me from the car. When I said that I must go, he started stroking my leg. I replied that it is too early and we need to know each other better. Sasha smiled strangely and said that we had so well communication and it is already possible, because he is not somebody from the street. He began confidently to touch my legs and tried to shove his hands up under my skirt. When I tried to push him away and raised my voice, he blocked the door of the car, closed my mouth with his hand and leaned on me all his athletic body. I did not have a chance - I was a fragile girl and I just had to wheeze in his hand. It hurted me. It hurts from the fact that I believed the man that extolled him that allowed to come into my heart. What a fool I was. And it was very shameful and disgusting. After this for a long time I could not look into the eyes of my friends, not to mention the fact, to tell someone the story. By the way, Sasha rang me some times. I did not pick up, and each time the display shows his number, I felt the emptiness, the taste of human meanness and cruelty. This history knows only my best friend. And I'm glad that at last I can tell my story to someone here in Steemit.

it is very brave to tell this story.
I wish I knew who this Sasha is, I'd send him directly to the hospital. For fuck sake, whats the point of getting women fall for you deeply and ending up raping her. I'd destroy this Sasha if I could, what a piece of shit, im actually mad reading this.