Here are some of the coffee process in the world.
Following explanation of some coffee process.
Full washed, After soaking until only the skin of the horn (mucus) which is still attached removed by immersion in water for 12 hours. After 6 hours of immersion, the soaking water is replaced. After the immersion process, the mucus will disappear, then the coffee beans rinsed and start drying.
Honey process or commonly also known as semi washed, semi-dry or pulped natural.
Why spring washed? Because the coffee is peeled off with enough water, then the coffee beans are separated from the fruit using a tool (in Indonesia usually still using traditional tools), the coffee beans have been separated directly dried in the sun without cleaning again, and the coffee is still slimy.Natural Process is often called dry process or Dry or Unwashed (not exposed to water / washed).In essence, this process is done immediately after the coffee is harvested from the garden. Shortly after picking coffee directly dried without peeling under the sun in the form of coffee. Dried to remove water content in coffee to dry. Drying takes approximately 5-6 weeks when the hot sun is stable (not rain).
A little story about coffee, hopefully usefull.
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