Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! Glad my experiment gave you a positive BOOST in your life, Martina! It's so fascinating how POWERFUL our minds are and this experiment gave me a huge boost in confidence that it truly is.
Have you tried using Lourdes Water? I'm curious to hear your experiments with information water, just to let you know! There will always be criticism no matter what but remember that there will always be someone who will find it very useful and that's where we should focus. At least that's where I mostly focus. Valid criticism from an expert is a good thing to hear otherwise no need to :)
Whenever I tell someone something I usually end with telling "please observe and try it yourself." because that's what I do too. :)
Some people are way too logical, fact-related while others are way too vague. I personally found that a proper balance of both brings the best outcome. 2 oppositions like everywhere else.
We are humans with infinite capabilities and sadly we are humans who can stop ourselves from all that.
By the way, I have nominated YOU in The 'Love It' Or 'Shove It' Challenge which you can find here
Have a great day!