Just curious but did you notice that you were harassed by young men and old men, but it's only old men that were the problem? You were ok with young men doing it, but some how the old guys were supposed to know it wasn't ok despite each group having access to similar quantities of booze?@hannahp
I'm not excusing their behavior. Young man, old man, or young woman or old woman. It wouldn't have mattered, harassment sucks.
How about just being harassed in general? Seems to my mind that if this had really been truth, it would have been the cat calling and what not that was the problem regardless of who did it.
But what do I know?
I've only got 7 kids aged 21 to 3 and, 4 of them girls. I can only give you a father's perspective, but if you had been my daughter. I would have said you're 19 that makes you an adult, not a teenager. Certainly not old enough to be out boozing, but nothing I can do to stop it. So I would ask you some questions.
My first question would be why were you at a place where you felt unsafe?
My second question would be what did you do about it?
My third question would be why would you choose to stay in a place where you felt unsafe?
Oh no I would definitely say that men of all ages were doing it, however when they're close to my dads ages that's even more creepy to me personally!
As I'm uk based we are allowed to drink from 18, but I wasn't intoxicated at all as I really wanted to make the most of the music :-) thanks for taking a look