You at least called security and reported these people to authorities so they didn't make someone else feel uncomfortable right?@hannahp
I mean monetizing your plight on steemit is one thing, but a news report about these guys being arrested at a festival would bring a lot more credibility to my mind.
So my question is where was security when this happened? What action was taken to remedy the situation? Have you documented it so you can bring a complaint to the venue? What are you doing to prevent other young girls from feeling threatened or victimized in the future?
I've been to tons of festivals, I've seen this behavior. it happens any time people get together and do large quantities of drugs and booze. This behavior is hardly limited to men. Women do it too, and from my perspective they do it as much or more often than men, but men are expected to just enjoy it or blow it off.
About 10 years ago I was at a festival where one guy in a group of five cat called someone I was with. I walked over and I gave the man some high quality customized dental work. His buddies jumped in, it didn't slow me down. Booze will make a man ten foot tall and bullet proof. Either way, we were both tazed by security and arrested, we both made the news for sitting out the rest of the festival in a jail cell. This wasn't a big festival and it wasn't a big town, it still made the statewide news.
You and any person with you ought to be doing the same, confront the situation and defuse it however you can.
If you can't contact security and you don't feel safe, especially if drugs and alcohol are involved. My advice is don't go or at least get the hell out of there. Tell the venue owner the problem and you will get your money back and if not, you sue.
Some people are going to say this is blaming the victim. It's not, it's having courage to stand for something and courage will preventing you from becoming a victim in the first place.
Same advice I'd give to my own daughter.