Aw gawd the landing clap, hate that caper, aye very good, you did your job and we didnt all dies in a fiery fireball, here's a round of applause and a bunch of flowers. Feck off.
Aw gawd the landing clap, hate that caper, aye very good, you did your job and we didnt all dies in a fiery fireball, here's a round of applause and a bunch of flowers. Feck off.
Exactly mate. Well done pilot, you stayed awake and touched some controls during the journey!
Well be getting em thankyou cards before we know it...'sake...
And flowers, maybe we will be chipping in for a fine bottle of whisky for them!
Aye but make sure its good, they deserve it for all that hard landing they have to do!
And such starchy uniforms too, they deserve a clap for that!
Prolly got we badges for how loud the clap is at each landing!
Never thought of that, a clapometer attached to every black box!