Excellent thought provocation there. The more I read about philosophy, psychology and the diversity of human beliefs I'm finding it more and more likely that once you're gone...you're gone. Anything else is just a wonderfully or sadistically designed story. Keep up the great writing.
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I come from a zen buddhist perspective, where tradtional notions of the sould are, in some schools of thought, rejected. Reincarnation, where it is mentioned at all, can be seen less as a litteral return of your former identity and more of a dispersal back into the cosmos from where we came. There was no me before and it is not unreasonable to think there is no me after. Lives are like bubbles emerging in a foam. They are brief, but also inseperable from the foam and the other bubbles. They owe their existence to this continuum and have no meaning apart from it. I have found this concept more freeing than others. That doesn't make it true, but that's how I see it. Thanks for the comment!