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RE: Criticism

in #life7 years ago

That is one hell of a hectic post, that hits way closer to home than I would like to admit.
A lot of what you put down resonates with what I feel a lot. Yes I've learned to deal with it a bit better (See my Breathe post), but things like these still leave an impact.
Like the relationship thing I never got out what I put in (well once), I might be pouring myself in to others to quickly when I trust them... but that's just me, it's all or nothing. I am always myself I never feel the need to fake to be someone else... Not everyone can deal with that.

And what I gather from your post is that basically people are talking down to you for being a good person... This says more about them then about you... I would love to say "don't mind them, you be you" but from experience I know that does not help...

Best I can say is... You are a good person and you are not alone


Thank you for your honest reply. Knowing that this feeling resonates with others makes me feel like less of an alien.

I kinda discovered that no matter how you feel, there most likely will be someone else feeling the same. When someone confirms that it always helps a little. In Dutch we have a saying that goes like "Shared pain is half pain"I think that that to a certain degree is true

I hate that you ever feel this way. I am always here for you if you need to talk, vent or cry. I love you more than you can understand.