How to understand that a girl likes you ❤️ by gestures and behavior - Part 01

in #life5 years ago

Gesture and facial expression experts say that when we meet someone we like, certain physiological changes begin to occur in our body.

Muscle tone rises, we stop stooping, the body straightens, and we look younger and more attractive. Men spread their breasts, try to take a dominant position, while women bow their heads, touch their hair and show their wrists.

Body language shows how open we are to communication, attractive and ready, and maybe even desperately want relationships.

So, what should you pay attention to if you want to find out if a girl likes you?


Eyes - where exactly does she direct her attention? Do her pupils dilate or become wider when someone enters a room?

Lips - Do they smile or frown?

Feet - where are they directed?

Hands - where do they touch, what are they holding?

Reddening the face or sweating - pay attention to the sudden reddening of the face and neck, sweating and wet palms - all this can be a good sign.

Breathing - sometimes when we are nervous, we have difficulty breathing. In other cases, on the contrary, we relax and breathe more slowly if we are next to a loved one.

Always pay attention to the situation and how its reaction to you is different from the reaction to other people in the room.

In general, the body language of girls and women is more difficult to read than in men, since women are less straightforward.

And remember that each girl is individual, and these tips are just tips that will help you understand how the girl is to you.


1. She straightens, straightens her shoulders and pulls in the stomach.

If the girl’s posture is changing, and she is trying to crack down, then she subconsciously wants to impress you.

Pay attention to her posture when she passes you or moves away from you. If she knows that you will look at her, she will automatically change her posture. In this case, the girl can slightly shake her hips, as if she was on the podium.

In addition, she will try to lick her lips, stretch her neck or touch her more often, as she wants to emphasize her body or face. Her interest is also often evident when she straightens her hair or tilts her head.

2. Her feet are pointing in your direction.

According to psychologists, this is one of the most accurate non-verbal clues that someone likes you.

This is explained by the fact that we rarely consciously pay attention to what our legs do.

Key features:

  • If her feet are aimed at you, this is a good sign.

  • If they look in the other direction - for example, at the door, then perhaps she is not interested.

  • If she is sitting with her legs tucked in, and her legs are tightly intertwined, then, most likely, she is nervous or uncomfortable near her.

  • If a girl sits freely, her legs are not pressed to her body, then she is relaxed enough, and she is pleased to spend time with you

3. Her body is facing you.

As with the feet, the direction of the body is an important indicator of her sympathy.

Well, if her body is turned in your direction, and she fully pays attention to you. The body, like the feet, unconsciously turns in the direction of the person in whom we are interested, and this is something we rarely think about.

If she talks to you, but her body is turned away from you, this is not a very good sign.

4. She notices and reacts when you touch her.

The reaction of the girl to the physical touch is an excellent indicator of whether you like her.

If she has sympathy, she will definitely notice if you touch her, even if the touch is purely platonic. She may blush, smile, and move closer to you.

If she doesn’t like you, she’s likely to pull away at your touch, even if the movement is barely noticeable.

Of course, it still depends on where you are touching, and how much such a gesture is appropriate in this situation. If you are talking, lightly touch her shoulder - this is enough to look at her reaction.

5. She seeks physical contact with you.

Everyone knows that we like to touch who we like. For example, a woman may lightly touch the hand of a person with whom she is talking. Such a light touch is not necessarily a sexual invitation but often indicates that she likes you.

Another indicator of her sympathy is trying to care for you. For example, she cleans the pellets from your clothes or straightens your shirt if she is bent.

As mentioned above, if you want to test her feelings, touch her. If she twitches, she is not comfortable. This does not always mean that she does not like you, she may just be more sensitive, and she needs to get used to your touch.

If she shows physical contact with other people, for example, embraces when they meet, then her removal is not a good sign.

Part two will come soon. Stay alert.

