- (중요!!!)
★ 미디엄에서 임베디드 폼을 통한 직접적인 정보 수집 안된되요.. ★
(참조: https://blog.medium.com/ad-free-medium-aeee8ef5dacf)
"As of September 1, 2018:
Embeds that directly collect data through form fields will no longer be allowed."
미디엄 수익 모델 조사하다가 이제 알았습니다 ㅜㅜㅜ...
올해 9월 이후로 바꼈나보네요..
Going forward, if you want to collect information from your users, you will need to link out from your post on Medium to a form hosted elsewhere that makes it clear to a user that they are no longer in the Medium network. We are working with Upscribe, Rabbut, and Gumroad so that their services function in line with these Medium policies.
-> 이런 식으로만 허용됩니다