Really enjoyed reading all these great tips to keep oneself feeling and looking the best. Very well written and well thought out article. I certainly do most of the already. Not the glucose and blood pressure meeter though. Do you really do that? You are really on top of your health if you do. Maybe that is a very good idea.
I'm friends Angelo @theywillkillyou. He told me really good things about you. So I'm now following you and will throw some of my support your way by putting my up-vote bot on your blog and checking in from time to time.
My name is Dan by the way. I love Thailand. I've spend the last 3 months of 2017 in this country. I've been visiting since I was 21 now I'm 35 so I'm very familiar with all parts of Thailand. Just great people, food, and so beautiful from the mountains up north to the islands down south. Probably my favorite country.
I do a travel blog here on Steemit. Things are going pretty well as of late. I've been basically living out of a backback for over 11 years. So my travel blog is a bit more interesting than the average "here I am, look at me" kind of travel blog. I get into the real "travel lifestyle" that I live.
Anyway just wanted to stop by and introduce myself and let you know you've got my support!
Hope you are well and say hi to Angelo for me next time you see him! Have a great day! -Dan
Hi Dan
Im glad you enjoyed my posts !! Yes Angelo mentioned you in great ways as well. Thats a long time in Thailand !!I Thank you for taking your time to introduce yourself on here !! will see you around soon !