5 toxic habits that rob you happiness

in #life7 years ago


The habits we have define us for good or for bad, because not only can they exercise like the strategies that help us overcome obstacles, but they can also be like that poisoned apple that despite having an inviting aspect it kept inside a trap.

Therefore, although many of our habits allow us to optimize our efforts and are considered healthy, there are many others that are toxic to our health and life itself, preventing us from being happy.

Even, you may consider that habits that you consider relatively "good" are not so good or that you are not even aware of the consequences of your repertoire of habits in your life. Today we bring you 5 toxic habits that may be preventing you from being happy. Let's reflect on it.

Think negative

We usually have the bad habit of thinking negative. We are experts in what we do not want, we do not have, we do not deserve or we are not capable, focusing our attention on it. Cultivating negative thinking can be a bad habit that ends up limiting us both socially and individually. Because if you think you can not, are you really going to try it?

Negative thinking can be erected as a great enemy that catches us little by little in its web, turning everything around us into a gray haze that in its most extreme cases leads to depression along with other variables.

The difficulty is that as a habit, we have become accustomed and unlearning it is not so simple. To do this, we must begin to pay attention to our way of thinking, which inevitably is linked to the way we speak and judge. In addition, directing your attention towards what you want will also be a tool that allows you to make light appear among that thick gray fog.


Blame others for everything

Blaming other people for what happens to you is to evade responsibility for your own actions and even your own feelings. In this way, you will be saying that you are not the owner of your life but that it is the others or the circumstances themselves.

It is necessary to remember that you have control over yourself and only you have the answers of what happens to you. Renowned air force pilot and religious leader Dieter Uchtdorf once said: "The more we grow, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances do not matter because they do not determine our happiness. We determine our happiness. "

Try to be someone you're not

You can live trying to be yourself or otherwise, trying to be the person that others want you to be. You decide, but evidently becoming the character that others want will be a betrayal of your way of being. Think about it ... How can you become happy if you are not yourself?

Putting on a mask is a double-edged sword, a trap that extended in time will take you away from you and who you think you are. Therefore, discover yourself, learn to accept yourself, to love yourself and show yourself as you are, only then the relationship with you and the others will be authentic.

Compare yourself with others

Comparing ourselves with others will not help us because each one of us is unique and unrepeatable and has lived different experiences. Your story, yours and mine have nothing to do, why compare us? To comfort us or to believe ourselves superior? What is the purpose we pursue?

My happiness can be very different from my friend's, therefore, doing what he does will make me happy? Ask yourself: what is happiness for me? And so you can know how to act. Gratitude is the antidote to comparison and the best syrup to achieve happiness. Write daily the things that make your life wonderful, however small they may be ... that will make you happy.


Do not learn from mistakes

Mistakes can be our best teachers if we learn from them. If we get confused but let it pass without reflecting what has happened and what lesson we can draw from it, something similar can probably happen to us.

To understand this kind of thinking, you just have to follow the words that Thomas Edison once told a reporter who asked him about his invention of the incandescent light bulb: "I have not failed even once, I have only discovered ten ways that do not work " Thus, you can see that with persistence and good work, error and failure are only part of the road to success.

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