Have you ever had a moment where you just knew - where you were simply Aware? Most people have had this moment and realization at one time or another. The problem is - it's usually a fleeting moment and it's not an all the time living.
Imagine a world where you were always all ways in tune with everything here.
That reality exists.
It's here.
It's our shared reality. The unfortunate situation of our modern times here today is Money. We've created such calamities and crises because of our inability to communicate effectively.
Seriously....it's just a matter of communication?
Yes - see money is one of our oldest forms of ancient communications.
We are reaching a tipping point in society ...where we've had such levels of suppression....compression...depression....call it what you will....the travesty's against our best lives are many...and everyone has accepted less than excellence in one way or another.
We are reaching a focal point.
Living on a planet to survive.
Fighting for survival.
Playing a card game of survival with a win/lose profit model where everyone is dealt a hand and some win and some lose...and some are in between a win and a lose. I mean it's pretty messed up when you really think about the gravity....the brevity of the situation here.
The profound irony is this:
Solutions to the problems that exist are simple.
It's basic math.
It's called:
The Win/Win formula where everybody wins.
I mean this is some rocket science type shit - i mean you really get to rock it good when you're always winning....i mean in the history of winning we've never seen such levels of wining. It's unprecedented shit.
It's also referred to as a Science.
It's called:
The Science of Awesome.
The Science of Awesome is changing the signs of the times. It's pretty legendary shit. I am it's really something quite spectacular. Who would of thought that the answers to all our squabbles were simply a result of not knowing the win/win formula.
The win/win model is also regarded as an extraordinary recipe and alchemy like cook book for creating that which is most excellent in awesome proportions as all ways best. A timeless classic if you will.
In posts to come I will continue to open up this ground breaking scientific discovery:
The Science of Awesome.
Fortunately, for all of us - the signs are here - the science of awesome is always all ways me.
The real beauty of this winning model is that you can't lose. Simple winning - because all is one. See what I did there? When we are all one - in tune with ourselves the whole way here - all is won and one for all. I mean you can't make this shit up.
It's Science
Humans fall asleep on money, unaware that the world is just a transit place, going out of the house from morning till night just piling money, so neighbor's communications also disappear. when money can be searched easily, but if the family is very difficult to get it. hopefully i can ajadi part friendship you
Awareness moments are nice it's kind of like when your in a sleep state then hit a hyperaware moment it really is transient but when your in that zone if you can utilize it a lot of ideas and work can be done.
Let there be more science of awesome moments and we are all one that is World Order ^^.
"Have you ever had a moment where you just knew - where you were simply Aware?"
Wake up people!
Thank you for sharing. I agree with your ideas. Great article. Keep going please. Have a nice day
what a creativity!!

Thanks for your gradual post of science.
It is a new message & new experience for us.
Thanks for sharing.
@Resteem & upvote done.
Awh yeah coöperation trumps egotism all day what up in this
excellent science for good health of wonderful life, nice post, thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing amazing post about health and life... you sharing some beautiful idea about health i like it... i waiting for your next post...
life still requires the name of money. now we can see the development of steemit users only to chase money in exchange to SBD. when money becomes rich it will forget the land
Thank you very much, for your information about science.
Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each😊🙂
with steemit everyone is a winner
That is the beauty of this community ,we all are in it together and perform win win action for all !