will we ever have world peace

in #life7 years ago

I have been thinking about world peace for a long time and unfortunately in my opinion it seem very unlikely. As long as we have greed and power we unlikely to ever see peace. I use the word unlikely because things can change.

The First World War started when the "super powers" where trying to show off their powers. Those days to show your power you would colonize the less fortunate countries, creating greed. So what happened was 2 "super" powers would fight for the same territory. This lead to countries making alliances with each other to strengthen the military might. As you can imagine this was the detriment to the villages. Many lost their lives and would the "super" powers care? I need not to answer. Power and greed had clouded their judgement.
The Second World War was much the same. You would think that people would learn from their mistakes. Yet again the innocent would suffer. Less fortunate countries would lose the lands and people would be killed. More over many people would be forced to “help” the “super” powers. The foot soldiers would be made up by the colonised countries. Reminds me of the “famous” words ‘if you not with us, you against us.

Humans ,became more “advanced” and talks were held . Let’s talk about some history lessons. In 1946 after the Second World War Zuleta Angel of Colombia called up a delegation of 51 nations , in London’s Central hall. They would ‘adopt’ a plan to a new world peace . However, the charter has Hugh floors . Although there are 195 member countries ,only 9 countries have the actual vote. The “security council”

Five permanent members:
China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States,

Ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term date): or the puppets ,I say so because it they vote against the FIVE PERMANENT MEMBERS they still lose by 5 to 2 vote.
Bolivia (2018)
Côte d’Ivoire (2019)
Equatorial Guinea (2019)
Ethiopia (2018)
Kazakhstan (2018)
Kuwait (2019)
Netherlands (2018)
Peru (2019)
Poland (2019)
Sweden (2018)

So what has come out of all this is that the tables have just changed. From “super powers” to the five permanent members of the “security council”.
If one of this members from the “security council” are in alliance with any country at war the UN will do basically nothing. If they the “security council” are at war then their is no one to stop them . In fact the out member counties of the “security council” will assist their buddies.

Did you know it is these 5 “security council” countries that manufacture the most arms. It is only business sense if there is no war, weapons will not be sold.

So from me I can’t see world peace in my life time. Yet, we small guys can make a difference. Let’s not allow our minds to be clouded by others. Let’s live together, live and let live. If we don’t make enough afford in creating peace, with each and everyone we come across. It is a privilege to smile and offer a kind word. Lets release the real “super power” within ourselves .



Yes its real. Peace is very important in our life. I am satisfied from your post. Thanks for sharing.

lets do our pit and create peace for others within our hearts