In the 30s of the last century, a special study commissioned by American insurance companies unambiguously proved that women can not live longer than 69.93 years.
Women did not obey and overcame the scientist's established border already five years after the completion of the study.
In the early 2000s, a group of researchers, after lengthy scientific work, announced that for a biological species homo sapiens 115 years is the limit of possible life.
It was very inconvenient. Since it was only necessary to finish the research, how the insidious homo sapiens immediately began to massively cross the border of the centennial jubilee. The number of inhabitants of the planet at the age of 100+ is now more than half a million people. And almost 50 of them are over 115 years old.
Why are you asking yourself this question ? Is that important how much ? :-)
so as not to forget, man :)