Very good post. One thing I like to use when dealing with people is to
- understand the reason of criticism and not the personal attack it comes with.
It's kind of similar to just stay cool but is very helpful when trying to resolve conflicts.
Very good post. One thing I like to use when dealing with people is to
It's kind of similar to just stay cool but is very helpful when trying to resolve conflicts.
I LOVE that! It's so true!
not taking everything personally makes a massive difference on your well being. Such a nice comment.
👍very interesting post, great @kaylinart
You are right @xeroc, criticism is good if it means to reconstruct the person.
True true :)
A mantra I try to live by: "Always remember people are just doing their best from where they are at." Helps reframe when dealing with "difficult" people.
So true :) I love that mantra
Absolutely brilliant @xeroc! Most of the time it's not even about you.
@kaylinart, you see? I told you you were the patron saint of hacks :)
Heheh thank you!! I appreciate this :) hehe