Just like vaccinations, home births, and politics, there is a lot of debate surrounding this practice. Co sleeping, bed sharing, or sleep sharing as it is occasionally called is the act of sharing sleeping space with parents and children. We are on our fourth child and we have been able to successfully co sleep with our entire family as it grows. From our birth decision to our child rearing we have always faced intense criticism due to our unconventional lifestyle. I’ve enjoyed 10 years of Co Sleeping and here is our story.
Baby #1 was born in a hospital and whisked away to a nursery and placed in an incubator. His first night, we didn’t have the pleasure of sharing sleeping space but we were first time parents. The hospital staff was “educating” us on the societal norms. We were gifted a crib and gave it an honest try. He climbed out as often as he could. In my mind, I felt like he was following his instinct and it’s damn near every parent’s instinct to comfort your child in that situation. The crib laid vacant from that day forward.
Devil Dan
When baby #2 was born, Co sleeping was not a question. We took it like a fish in water. He slept in bed with us for almost 2 years until he started bonding more with his older brother. He started wanting to share sleep space with his older brother who was happy to have an impressionable shadow. Every now and then, he finds his way in bed with us and there is always a spot for him.
Princess Dhara
Baby#3 comes along and she claimed her rightful place in our bed. She was the boss for quite some time. During this time, I slept a lot on the couch. I had an erratic work schedule and none of us wanted to impede on each other’s sleep schedule. There plenty of nights where she shared a space with me on the sectional. My daughter doesn’t care who she co sleeps with. It could be me, mom, or her brothers. It’s been about 1 week since she has taken ownership of her room and bed. She has been waking up in the morning and laying with us for a while.
Baby #4 has graced us with her presence and she doesn’t know the feeling of sleeping alone. I can’t speak too much on it because she is only 1 month old. What I can tell you is she is not a crier. Based on our track record, she will co sleep until one of us gets sick of it or she takes ownership of her room whichever comes first.
The irony is that so many people have their opinions on parenting, but none of us have it figured out. All we can do is what works best for us and our family. There is no room for judgement, just improvement. If it works better for you to place your kids in a crib on another floor, then you should do that. From homebirths, not vaccinating, and co sleeping all the way to breastfeeding and using cloth diapers, someone always has something to complain about.
There's Adventure in all of Us
I took you inside our 3rd homebirth experience
I took you gator wrasslin' in Texas
I took you on a day as Urkle
I took you to @ned scott's funeral (RIP)
...mostly in Texas LOL
Animation graciously donated to @xtrodinarypilot by @xtrodinarypilot
Wow! Thank you for sharing this! My wife and I were just having a discussion about this on the ride home after having dinner with my very opinionated family. We are for Co Sleeping as well!!!!!
Awesome to hear that we aren't the only ones. Do you currently have any little ones?
What a beautiful post. We have two who slept with us as long as they desired. They were both exited about having their own (shared) room when the time came.
We also practiced elimination communication and they were using their potty regularly in their second years of life. The elder one definitely also went through a period of "why bother", but that was just because there were so many more interesting things to focus on.
Thats so true. My kids are more excited about sharing their rooms as well. We lived in a 4 bedroom with 3 kids and they still.chose to sleep.in the same room amd bed sometimes. Elimination Communication might be something to try with the new baby. Can you do an in depth post on it?
Thanks much for the invitation. Done and here. Please let me know if there's some clarification required.
I practiced co sleeping with all three of my boys. A part of me believes it was survival! (It was the only time I got any real sleep). If they woke up in the middle of the night, out popped a boob to breast feed. LOL It was wonderful.
This, of course, is many moons later. Oh, how I miss these days!
That is so wonderfully amazing. Can't wait to see mine when they get that old.
Our first born slept in the room with us in her bassinet for the first couple months. She'd fall asleep with us here and there in our bed because my wife breast fed her and they both would knock out together lol. She adapted to her own bed pretty well. It was amazing to say the least. While everyone else I knew had problems with their child sleeping in their own bed ours took to it like a champ. I can recall on one hand the amount of times she woke up crying.
That being said we are expecting twins and I have a feeling this time around won't be so easy. All of us are different so whatever works for each individual just works. If I have to let my babies sleep with my wife and I in order for to get a good nights rest for the next day I'm all for it lol
Yeah one thing i learned is that although we have a pretty good handle on this, they are all different. I couldn't imagine habing twins. Please keep us in the loop. I’m very excited to follow that story.
Will do!
Way to embrace your family's choice to co sleep with your young children. My son is approaching 3 years old now and sleeps with me. In the early days, it was rare. You seem to be cool as a cucumber, but I woke up several times panicked to make sure he was okay. I do have to say, there is something very special and comforting about it all that makes you want to hold your little one close during the night.
I couldn't agree more. Holding my youngins at night are just as comforting for me as it is for them.
We co slept with our daughter. I will have to say the older they get the more they kick and roll around. That is no fun.
No shit lol