
Yeah. I did click around on his (one) post, and his (now) 20 comments, to see where he was coming from (as you can see from the above links, I did not flag anything other than our direct interaction).

I also noticed that he's very harsh on Bitcoin Cash, believing that the new BTC/BCH wallets being distributed will be hacked (by Roger Ver who is associated with the creation of said wallets), so that people will lose everything.

That does seem to be a potential concern, but I haven't seen this argument anywhere else, nor have I seen his basis for it.

Also I considered clicking on his two followers, and asking them why they're following him. But I don't want to behave the way he is behaving, to put it bluntly, so I decided to let my followers know, instead.

Some people like to wallow in their own filth; it makes them happy, for some reason. I agree, he should spend that energy doing something positive.

In fact, he could learn directly from the video Jerry posted that he was so harsh about! Jerry said use the skills that you currently have; share them, and people will appreciate it. What does he do? He shares negativity, thinking perhaps that it's a skill? It is, sad.

Well said @libertyteeth. Not everybody we relate with want to move the normal peace way.