Blow little things out of proportion #3

in #life7 years ago

I know this may sound as a CLICHÉ. But maybe that the reason why it is true.

The only thing we all want is to be PRESENT

That is what we are all looking for. The feeling, The illusion of when I get there, then I can relax.

The TRUTH is: The higher you get the stressful it is.

I am not against goals. But do not lose the process. Do not lose yourself in the pursuit of happiness.

Realizing that when I am in one of those panic attacks I do not think clearly.

So my thinking is not going to take me anywhere. It only will make things worse.

I need to pay attention on how I am feeling. Without judging it.

Without judging that the most important thing.


I know is it near to impossible to me but, what else can I do?

Then trust that my subconscious mind will find a WHY for that feeling.

And then let it do the corrections needed it.

Maybe it is a change in perspective.

Maybe it is a change in the way I look at things.

Maybe it is nothing at all. Who knows?

I took this idea from the book The Inner Game of Tennis from W. Timothy Gallwey.

Let’s observe kids and how they learn to walk.

There is not course in teaching kids how to walk.

They observe adults walk…they SEE how it is DONE, and then TRY it.


First time they fall into the left. They correct something.

Second time they fall into the right. They correct something.

So they keep doing corrections until they got it.

The process of learning was completely alone.

I think we can use the same approach with stress, anxiety and fear in my case.

Just observe it without judging and let the unconscious mind do the required corrections.

I know, it requires FAITH to do it.

Thank you for reading

Follow: @yagitoyago