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RE: I Am Strangling Myself to Death

in #life4 years ago

Saying Something...). I think you'll be happy, as much as you allow yourself, provided there's an audience and you're able to play, semi-seriously. Just popping in to say Hi, I guess, it's been a while.Hello, @nonameslefttouse hope you're doing better than this post suggests (you still excel at the art of almost-confessing, nearly-but-not-quite


Hey man. I'm doing great!

How are you?

Writing away, during this period of enforced mass meditation, aka pandemic. Getting ready to publish my 9th book later this year... And, as I approach the Big 50 (in a couple years or so) scheming/dreaming my second or is it third act. How to live off my wits and reinvent myself.

I'm currently working on an article. Not sure when it'll be ready. I have a lot of the future stuff to think about as well. It's filling up most of my thought space. Since writing this article, I can only recall one time where, what I wrote about, actually happened. It's like putting it out there made it go away, but I won't get too cocky about it.

The pandemic hasn't affected me, much. I haven't been exposing myself to the constant media push. And there are still places in Canada where one can get away. I flew the coop before this was even a thing though.

All good to know. Best of luck with that article and being and Becoming :)