Create strength with Plank

in #life8 years ago

Utthita Chaturanga Dandasana

Plank pose


Plank pose can be done alone or as part of a sun salutation or flow sequence. Core, back and shoulder strengthener. Builds heat in the body. Leads to better posture and reduces back pain.

How to:

Beginning in Downward facing dog (Adho muhka svanasana). As you exhale, begin to shift weight forward bringing shoulders above wrists, fingers spread wide. Press into the knuckles of the hands. Broaden the upper back and collar bone. Engage core, hugging belly button into spine. Breathe deeply. Press back through heels creating a long line from heels to crown of head. Back of thighs reaching up. Keep neck extended long, gazing downwards.


If strain in lower back occurs, lower knees down behind hips.
If wrist strain occurs, you can practice plank on your forearms, or on your fists.


As your practice advances, you can begin to incorporate plank variations. Such as ‘yoga push-ups’, or lifting one leg at a time, building more heat and strength in your body. Plank pose leads into many arm balances.


NAMASTE friends

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that's pretty interesting thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

Thanks for checking it out.