Mondays Aren’t Good for Us

in #life8 years ago

While dreaming about next year I thought I wanted to use Monday as a very heavy school day in order to free up the rest of the week. Seriously heavy. Start at 8:30 am and go until 6:00 pm. OK, I didn’t want to admit it but in my day dreaming state I really wanted to do school until 8:00 pm. I am a bit wary of mentioning that to anyone who lives here though…just a bit.

The idea is that we do a truck load of school on Monday thus creating a truck load of fun-time the rest of the week. I like that. I think it’s a marvelous idea.

Today I realized that Mondays are just not good for us. My kids often have sleepovers here or at friends/cousins houses. Mondays I usually let them sleep in if they’ve been up late over the weekend. My poor son was so tired last night, but wouldn’t go to bed until the official bedtime. I’m letting him sleep in. My oldest daughter was at a friends house Friday to Saturday, then we had a cousin over Saturday to Sunday. Oldest daughter does not sleep in on Sunday. Ever. It KILLS her to miss Sunday School. She never misses unless it is my fault. So today I am letting her sleep in. Youngest daughters don’t really need to sleep in, but I’m letting them, why not?

So maybe Tuesday would be a better day to force my kids to do school for 12 hours straight. LOL! BTW: Is LOL corny yet?