My Daily Life

in #life8 years ago

8am - got up, showered, dressed, all that good stuff

Again teen daughter was up much earlier taking her final Geometry test.  Thank goodness that is over.  She now has one Biology test and a few history worksheets to go over with me.  Then finis.  Done for-ever, well at least until next year.

Today I had planned to do more next-year school planning, but that didn’t happen.

Instead we:

  • Went to Toys R Us (twice!)
  • Got ice cream
  • Went to a sporting goods store for an air mattress (hopefully this one doesn’t pop right away)
  • Went to the library (I quickly browsed their educational videos – looks like lots of good ones but I really won’t know for sure until we watch them)
  • Thought about all the great things the kids are NOW doing because school is out but I can’t count as school for next year because it’s not July 1st yet (son-electronics kit, 9 yo – reading, playing with World Book Encyclopedia on Mac, teen- sewing like crazy, she probably has 5 hours in this week)
  • Came home for lunch
  • Went shopping again so teen could spend her gift card
  • Home again
  • Tired
  • I’m now in my room, tired. 


Teen is cooking supper.  Son is playing with his new nerf guns.  8 yo is sporting a great Rapunzel wig.  9 yo is putting together a Lego ship, I think.

I want the night to be productive but it depends if I get some energy going.  It’s raining, so we won’t be going outside for anything.

I did formulate a plan today to switch around the chores.  I pondered this for half the day, then threw away my notes.  The problem is that  part of the new plan includes myself and the 2 little girls doing the laundry.  Right now the laundry is taken care of.  Teen does it all.  I don’t have to do anything.  I do keep it going by switching the loads every now and again, but I don’t have to fold and put away.

I am worried that switching laundry to me means that it won’t get done.  It will be done better, but less often.  I’m such a wimp, lol.

Wicked, wimpy woman, I am.