When I first started learning to code it seemed like there were so many languages. I didn’t know where to begin. I tried taking edX’s cs50 Harvard course but quickly lost interest. The course was a lot of oversimplified jargon, and the language they utilized was C. I stopped after three weeks.
After that I kind of meandered through online sites trying to learn how to program. The sites out there, while I’m sure they mean well, aren’t usually good for beginners. Although, I will say that freeCodeCamp is top notch, but I wasn’t aware of it until recently. It was a relatively dark time.
The fall semester was approaching at my university and I literally decided if I’m going to do this then I need to go all in. I changed my major from English to Computer Science. What followed was the most difficult semester of my life. I barely got through the computer science course I was taking, and the math courses I had to take were extremely difficult (for me at the time). It was all very basic, but I’d been a liberal arts student for way too long. It was train wreck that taught me a lot of valuable lessons.
The upside to that catastrophe of a semester was that I fell in love with struggle. I’d never had a hard time in school, and that made me apathetic. My will had become a stagnant cesspool of unhappiness. I decided it was best to keep pushing myself and see where I could end up.
Anyway, my point is that if you want something you have to be resilient. The most worthwhile things in life will always be difficult at some point or another. Be strong and never give up. This not only goes for those that are learning to program, but to anyone that’s trying to follow their heart. Don’t give up. Never.
If you enjoyed this post please let me know. I’m toying with the idea of blogging mostly about programming, computer science, and how to cope with pains that come along from trying. Let know what you think.
“Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear”. - Dan Millman
Indeed it will!
Meh, I guess apathy can destroy me. Whatever.
But seriously, good article. If something isn't worth struggling to accomplish, maybe find something a bit more stimulating to take up your time, right?
Honestly though, I've kinda given up trying to program myself. Although, it's less about avoiding struggle (and there's plenty of that to be sure) but I could never really enjoy it. I do enjoy designing though, so maybe I'll still give it a crack one day.
Dude, I love the design aspect . I'd really love to learn more about UX at some point.
I'm a software tester by trade, so I learn as I go. You hear enough feedback and you start to understand what customers generally do and do-not want.
Wow its like ur a couple of step ahead of me... i'm going through tough times and am trying to stay focused and push forward. I messed up last semester in school and am late and close to missing signing up for fall due to anxiety. Technology and coding are my interests as well... im a graphic design computer science major so i feel u on the liberal arts math. Feel good to know the world isn't that small. You've inspired me.
Struggle will make you stronger. I have a friend in that works as a designer, and she told me once she'd always wished she'd gone the computer science way. In the sense that she wanted to have it coupled with her design degree. Anyway, with what you are working on you'll be fine. Just keep grinding. It'll get easier.
As with any complex skill, it takes time to learn. Early on your time will involve much head scratching, anguish and also looking for that solution that is just beyond your grasp but you know it is there.
Do not be afraid to make mistakes or throw bad code away and start again using a different technique.
Programming early on is a journey into learning a new way to make your mind think. Enjoy the process.
Also... This is the BIG one, I have met many developers that I call cut a paste programmers. They find an example, copy it then try and make it work. If you do look at sample code, do not just copy it. Pull it apart and try to understand what it does and how it does it.
I completely agree with all of this, but especially the last part about copy and paste.