It feels like the world and majority of the people in it have lost their purpose of existence. We all have been too consumed with our regional, cultural and social differences for far too long, we have been subjected to hatred and intolerance by the people who are supposed to show us the right path, we have stopped caring about our neighbors, our loved ones, the strangers we see in suffering more than once in our daily lives, we have been shown too much negativity all around us - and all that, is now resulting in such catastrophes, which is nothing but a demonstration of failure of humanity as a whole.
No one segment, country or mindset can be blamed for such incidents. The evil has gained existence within us - it's just the extent and magnitude that varies from one person to another. We are choosing our leaders, we are publicly not condemning wrongful acts committed by those in power, we are letting our society and the rest of the world be controlled and ruled by people who don't deserve to be in power in the first place. Not just one geographical location, not just one population - this intolerance and barbarism is what our world is getting plagued by. And the first thing that strikes our mind is "thank God it didn't happen over here". What we don't realize is that those safe zones are running out. Those relatively safer places and communities aren't getting any safer in the near future.
If these brutal acts of terror, inhumanity and injustice can't bring the world together as one, what else will?
"Man's inhumanity to man" seems to be increasing, year after year... and to me, it seems to have its roots in a growing fear. When people are afraid, they start behaving badly and making poor decisions; we become more "reactive" than responsive.
Seems there is also a growing anger because it becomes harder and harder for people to just "get by," in a number of parts of the world-- even here in the US. Sure, we have "more money than ever," but it costs proportionately more than ever to live... at a higher rate than the increases in real earnings.
I was talking to a friend the other day about politics and politicians... and we arrived at the somewhat sad conclusion that the people truly qualified to run the country/countries have pretty much zero interest in the job, so we end up with a bunch of crooks and incompetent oafs in charge of the world.
Thanks for a very thoughtful comment!
Exactly.. that is my point here. It just seems to be happening the same way all around the globe. Real disposable income is decreasing at an alarming rate. With all the inflation, unemployment, higher education costs for our kids and everything else, it's just becoming too hard to cope up with all the real life challenges. I am part of a third world region, and I can well remember the times when it wasn't this bad not too long ago. Even if there was lesser money being circulated in the economy and all the money markets, people could at least find some sort of bliss and a balance, instead of having to worry everyday about the very next day.
And yes, whatever I see on the news about the Western side of the globe, the US, it's pretty much the same. And this is all happening just to benefit a few at any given time. Certainly, we are now seeing the aftereffects of all that. And if we, the masses, don't change this now, our future generations will be witnessing even worse.
Indeed! There are a lot of lies being told to people-- one of the biggest is the myth of "The Economy" as told by governments around the world-- be that in Pakistan, the USA or anywhere else. Sure, "the economy" is better as measure by how much oil we pull out of the ground and what the corporations are making, and the position of the stock market. But these numbers mean little to the average person on the street.
People may be "making more than ever" but if the cost of actual living-- inflation, education, insurance, housing, food-- amounts to "more than ever x1.5" that becomes a meaningless statement.
Absolutists point to the fact that there are fewer people living in "absolute poverty" than ever before... to me that's very close to a straw man argument; sure "there would be no poverty" if we all ran around in the woods with sticks, wearing only a loincloth. Possibly true, but has little to do with the real world as it currently exists.
That is absolutely correct. If the standard of living is going down for an average citizen of any country, these numbers have no value whatsoever.
But again, do they care?