Often we use computers for our daily needs. Whether it works, play games, design, and so forth. But maybe some of us are not yet know healthy tips berkomputer. And now I will discuss it here!
- Working indoors enough light
This is a small thing that we must pay attention to. If the light we use when using the computer is not balanced, it can cause damage to our eyes. Do not be too dark, and do not be too bright. Keep the balance of light.
- Put the monitor at eye level
Placing the monitor parallel to the eye affects the bone of our neck. If our monitor is too low with our eyes, then our head will always be fixed down. And if it is too high then we will look up. So it's better to place the monitor parallel to our eyes.
- Position your feet comfortably
Legs are also influential in computer activities. If we are uncomfortable in laying our feet, then we will be difficult to concentrate.
- Look in the other direction every 30 minutes
This is very influential on someone who always use the computer in a long period of time. We recommend that users always look the other way at least every 30 minutes. Because this has an effect to move the ciliary muscles of the eyes and blink of our eyes.
- Sit up
Sitting up is important because it affects our backbone. If we do not uphold our sitting position, then we will become bent (Kifosis).
So that's 5 healthy tips on computing! The conclusion is to use koputer well, lest we use it to hurt ourselves. Thank you for reading, hopefully this post is useful for you guys! I am Zanuarts, Be Creative!
Source: https://ruangguru.com/