It's a bad period for me

in #life8 years ago

I would just talk about me. I'm studying economy inVenice​e, the exam is hard but the stuff I​ hate is..I​ feel strangely​​y alone. I'm far from my home, Messina but the distance from my house get me sad. I live in an apartment​ shared with 3 girls​, the only man inside this house. But, it's like to live alone, everybody in the own room, my classmate are commuters and in this beautiful​ city I​ don't know anybody. And i woudn't use a strong word but i think I'm a little depressed. Not to long from now i had a bad situation with a girl and she destroyed my morale. And in this little room were i live everythink feel bad. Far from my friend in sicily far from my affection. It's not a stereotype here the italian is more cold than normal, we are i south more sunny, happy and enjoy the life. Here nobody talk in a bar, nobody keep in touch with you and are dark. I know the classical italy stereotype are beautiful and happy, but not here. By the way i don't know of to aacross this period full of delusion from friends, love and professionaly. Sometimes i feel like i get faint in any moment

Photo from: Photo from:

I don'k know how to do to get out from this period during one year untill now
I'm not asocial, but i feel i can't get some truly friendship with anybody, i don't trust anybody now, people would keep in touch with you because I'm good in university for have help or your univerity notes and after obtain that disapperar like a shadow in the night. In this my lonleyness i discovery crypto and steemit, i read to much but read is evil, because more you learn more you think and in this period ignorance is bliss. More you read more you discovery a world full of injustice. Sometimes i would disapperar in a cloud or in the pillows' fold. Taking refuge in the dream, sometimes I hope the time can get faster just for going to my bed and falling in a deep sleep, for meet with my internal souls and do a marvelous dream. But the dy coming for everybody, so i and study. And in my free time i write in steemit, just for feeling this sense of disconneting from the real word.

But the love...guys love sucks, I tell my story

One of my flatmates have a boyfriend, he sucks, he treat her very bad. Like a tirannus order to do. I be friendly with her and she feel good when talking with me, like a good brother i try to get her better, and give some advice. But nothing, in this period it's better have a good look than have brain. She was sick to love from this guys...Little by liffle i falled in love a impossible love and impossible to get out from that, everytimes she suffer, recoiling I get more bad than her. But she loved him so after tryed to explai my sentiment she refused me. Ok i metabolise this but we don't talk anymore, justhave a normal life like flatmate.
I hope can i feel better one day hoping somebody save me from this dark edge Photo from: And i don't know why, i discover this community and thanks at some of that, first of all @neoxian I found a family, a better family from the classical social network, were you share a artificial life. In you scrol my blog you can discovery why. Because i do plagiarism and the only guys give me another possibility and helped me was @neoxian. From:


Man, it is full of stories like this..Saying that it doesn't mean I don't see how you can feel now, but I just want to let you a thought. The world is abundant of beautiful and intelligent girls looking for someone like you. Don't waste your time being sad, accept it and go out with your friends, have fun enjoy everything you have, the rest will come with it..Believe me ;)

I hope this time came for me. I try to stand up to be strong but my energy still finishing

Hang in there @zaragast!

Thanks neo I'll try

Don't feel sorry about anything bro . Your university years will be (for most people) the best of your life .
Find another girl .
Think positive. This aura will surround you and you will start living similar situations .
You only live once . ENJOY .
(The fact that you provide the url source doesn't mean you have the rights to use them . )

Thank for your word
For the photo, it's all from free wallpaper​ downloading

Dovevi venire in toscana a studiare!! :P Qui al bar tu attacchi bottone anche con i muri.:P Comunque come ambito universitario, ti confesso che tranne rari casi in tre anni ho fatto pochissime amicizie in facoltà, molte delle quali volatilizzate dopo un esame o un passaggio di appunti, credo proprio che sia l' ambito universitario ad essere un tantino chiuso, poco amichevole della serie " Io faccio il mio, tu fai il tuo, in caso mi servi per gli appunti e poi sia mai che se ti aiuto prendi un voto più altro del mio ecc...". Questo è un atteggiamento che ho notato con disappunto perchè io di mio farei amicizia anche con i muri e invece spesso con i compagni di corso trovi un muro di silenzio o ci coltivo giusto un rapporto superficiale limitato a lezioni e esami =(

Forse si dovevo venire in toscana, guarda non voglio essere cattivo contro i veneti, ma ho stretto amicizia con pochissimi, mah comunque è un periodo no in generale

Si ci credo, solo che i periodi "no" sono brutti e pesanti :(

Just be bad with your flatmates

concordo con toscana forse sarebbe stato meglio. Ma ho un amico che studia a Venezia..posso mettervi in contatto! =)

tranquilla ;) devo farcela da solo. E poi è piu per un problema con una mia coinquilina che mi sento cosi giu'