Greeting the fresh trickle of the dew
The bright sunlight swept its rays to my eyes
As a start to a day brand new.

Image from Solidaria Garden
That led to various directions from the circle of the garden
I must choose carefully which path should be taken
Or I'll get lost in the scent of the roses which is ardent.

Image from Dreamstime
To long pathways I never have gone.
But to my dismay, some pathways, if I may say,
Led to a dead end of more than one.

Image from DiscSpace
Or just break the walls to make my own path
And create a new way even it defies the norms,
Let me go; I'll handle all others' wrath.

Image from Dreamstop
Some from the old path and some of my own,
Most came from twisted circles and frustrating decisions
That I could have ignored if I had better known.

Image from Tangle Images
With strange twisted knots, hollow hopes, and dead ends,
But take courage and your will, find a new way if you must
To solve and conquer whatever this life sends.